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Reminder Letters For Payment Collection

As much as businesses would love to get their invoices paid on time, the reality is that some clients are bound to make late payments. This is where reminder letters for payment collection come in. They allow you to remind your client about the overdue payment in a polite and professional manner without sounding rude or aggressive.

The first payment reminder letter should be sent just a week after the client’s invoice was due. This allows you to send it without making the customer feel harassed or ignored and also gives them a chance to explain their reason for missing the payment date (which could include family, financial or work-related issues).

For this letter, you should highlight the original invoice due date and any late fees that apply and provide your instructions on how they can pay you (credit card, bank account number, etc.). You should continue to send payment reminders every week until your client pays the outstanding amount. As you do so, you can gradually change the tone of your emails to something a little more assertive.

The final payment reminder letter is the last chance to get your client to pay their outstanding balance. At this point, you should make it clear that if your previous attempts to get them to pay have been unsuccessful, you will be referring the matter to debt recovery. This will usually be enough to jolt your client into taking action.




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